Project Director, IPMA Level А® is able to manage the important portfolio or program, not just separate singular project, with the use of relevant resources, methodology and instruments, which are that the subject of certification.
IPMA Level А® – a candidate has demonstrated the skilled using of knowledge elements of programs and/or portfolios work coordination. The candidate managed the process of program development and/or led the project managers during their using of knowledge elements in work. The candidate has been involved into the implementation of knowledge elements or equal to them methodologies, techniques or instruments in projects or programs. The candidate has made his distribution into the development of «Project management» discipline by publishing the articles or making the scientific reports about the background of experience or general terms of new IPMA® concepts.
Five years’ work experience in portfolios, programs or multilevel projects pack management. Three of these years the candidate must have exercised an important managerial function by managing one of company/organization/commercial incorporation portfolios, or have been a head of important program.
1. Must be able to manage the portfolios or programs.
2. Currently is responsible for management of important portfolio or program of a company/organization or its filial branch; or manages one or more important programs.
3. Distributes into strategic management and makes the project proposals under consideration by upline chiefs. Instructs the project managers and aids the growth of other project management experts.
4. Develops and mainstreams the requirements, processes, methods, techniques, instruments, guide books and manuals concerning the projects management.
Certification procedure Level А.
1. The candidate is to prepare a pack of documents for passing through certification. Download the documents
- Application form with photo 3*4;
- Сv (resume);
- copies of diplomas, certificates;
- recommendations from the companies where the projects have been implemented;
- list of projects;
- self-certification * 2;
- project report.
2. Certification agency settles a date of certification.
3. The candidate pays the certification as per the NBU rate as of the current date.
4. The candidate is interviewed.
5. The certification department rates the candidate.
6. Certificate delivery.
Interview characteristics
Assessors quantity |
2 |
Time limit |
2-2.5 hours |
Technical knowledge elements |
5-6 |
Behavioral knowledge elements |
4-5 |
Contextual knowledge elements |
4-5 |
Total number of competences |
13-16 |
Level A certification cost
Physical association members and corporate employees being juridic members have 5% discount
We recommend to review the book «National Competence Baseline, NCB UA Version 3.1» for preparing to the certification